Hanou's Blog

{July 17, 2009}   Watch your way fella!!


This goes for the drivers in Hyderabad.

I am learning driving these days..something I’ve always wanted to learn. I don’t remember being excited for any other class in my entire life. I sleep with a smile on my face anticipating the next day’s class 😀

I once tried learning with my Dad and Bro. It was an overthrow attempt. We were on a hilly, curvy road. My Dad and Bro gave me a 5 mins theoretical crash course on accelerator, break, clutch, gear etc. They gave me the keys and said “Go”. I won’t get into details, but I ended up parking the car right in the middle of the road diagonally. Thankfully it wasn’t a very busy road.

1. Anyways getting back to my learning experience…I just have one thing to say – People have no consideration for learners!! If you can see that someone is learning how to drive, give some space. If wanna take over, do it graciously. If I am giving a left or right indicator, please avoid coming to my left or right resp. BOZO!!.

2. If people are crossing the road, decrease your speed a little. Allow the people to cross. I agree there are some people who cross the road without looking. They are exceptions. But for the rest, please give them a little respect. With the increasing number of cars, bikes, other transports, It has become very difficult. You have nothing to lose, but the pedestrians have their life to lose. Some people have this disgusting habit of passing by very close to you even if there are lots of space on the other side. They do it purposely. F**k em’.

Rash driving rating (1 being the worst):
#1 Bus drivers – a pain in the A$$ to everyone. They have a major EGO problem.
#2 Auto walas – The size of auto is significantly small compared to buses. So a little less threatened. But the driving style is the same
#3 Cabbies – one hell of a reckless drivers.
#4 Car drivers / Bikers – they are a complement to each other. Speed and “Supposedly” smart driving is a thrill to them
#5 cycle walas – Some ride their bicycles in the middle of the road and take a right or left turn without warning.
#6 Pedestrians – sometimes create a problem when they cross roads carelessly.

It’s exciting to race with another car, but don’t do it at the cost of being a nuisance to others.

Speed is a thrill only when it is safe. If you are not bothered about your life at least think about others. No one has the right to harm anyone else.
Have a safe drive!! 🙂

Disclaimer: I hereby declare that everything written in this post are my personal views. I may be generalizing but I am also aware that there are exceptions always. so chillax!!

{June 15, 2009}   Hello People!!

I’m so very new to blogging…and i’m excited!! 🙂

Why blog?

I see many people spend most of their day writing blogs. Or no matter how worn out one is from work, they always have that “little time” to spend on blogging before they are off to sleep..and I used to wonder what is it with “BLOGGING”!!

Then I started reading blogs, friends’ or random ones…and I realized, WHAT A WAY TO EXPRESS YOURSELF!! It’s like a diary, a medium to express ur thoughts, share and gain knowledge, tell stories, let people know about your existence in this world.

I know you must be thinking “DUH!! aren’t you a little too late?” ….Ya, but what the heck?? It’s better late than never 😛

Well to know a little about me, you can check out my About Me page

That’s it for now. Will be back soon with my first blog. Wish me luck 🙂

    “When life gives you a lemon, make a lemonade”

et cetera